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Present Continuous Negative


Trajno sadašnje vrijeme [present continuous ili progressive] je glagolsko vrijeme koje opisuje radnju koja se odvija u trenutku govorenja (prije, tijekom i nakon).

Kada se koristi u negativnom obliku, glagol negira da se radnja odvija sada.


Present continuous u negativnom obliku ima ovu strukturu:
Subject + to be + not + [verb + -ing] + …

  • Skraćeni negativan oblik jednak je skraćenom obliku glagola to be: I’m not – you’re not/you aren’t – he’s not/he isn’t…
Subject To Be + not Verb + -ing
I am not working
You are not working
He is not working
She is not working
It is not working
We are not working
You are not working
They are not working

{Za iznimke vidi : Present Continous – affirmative}.


  1. Radnja koja se odvija u trenutku govorenja
    • I‘m not eating an apple.
    • She isn’t watching TV at the moment.
    • We aren’t speaking.
  2. Privremene aktivnosti
    • I‘m not looking for a new shirt.
    • Paul isn’t working hard to buy new shoes.
    • We aren’t staying in this apartment for 3 weeks.
  3. Planirani događaji
    • I‘m not leaving early tonight.
    • He isn’t going to the cinema on Friday evening.
    • We aren’t going on holiday at the end of this month.
  4. Promjene i sklonosti
    • I‘m not getting happier and happier.
    • The world isn’t getting warmer.
    • We aren’t becoming better at volleyball.
  5. Radnja koja se ponavlja
    • I‘m not always watching the news.
    • He isn’t talking consistently.
    • They are not always having lunch at 14:00.


Present simple u potvrdnom obliku, koristimo za potvrđivanje:

  1. Radnji koje se odvijaju u trenutku govorenja;
  2. Privremenih aktivnosti;
  3. Planiranih događaja;
  4. Promjena i sklonosti;
  5. Radnje koja se ponavlja.


Trajno sadašnje vrijeme [present continuous], u negativnom obliku, koristimo za negiranje radnje koja se odvija u trenutku govorenja.

Subject + to be + not + [verb + -ing] + …

— “He isn’t working on an important project today.” = Koristimo present continuous jer negiramo radnju koja se ne događa kad govorimo (u tom trenutku).
♦ “He doesn’t work on important projects.” = Koristimo present simple jer opisujemo radnju koja se ne ponavlja redovito u prezentu.

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