- English Grammar A1 Level for Italian speakers - https://open.books4languages.com/english-a1-grammar-it -

Il Passato Semplice del verbo To be


Il verbo to be è essenziale in grammatica. Si tratta di un verbo ausiliare ed è uno dei verbi irregolari.

Per parlare di situazioni accadute nel passato e che si sono concluse, usiamo il tempo passato [past tense] del verbo.


Il verbo to be è uno di quei verbi che forma il passato in maniera irregolare.


Subject To Be
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were


Subject To Be + not Short form
I was not wasn’t
You were not weren’t
He was not wasn’t
She was not wasn’t
It was not wasn’t
We were not weren’t
You were not weren’t
They were not weren’t


To Be Subject Question Mark
Was I ?
Were you ?
Was he ?
Was she ?
Was it ?
Were we ?
Were you ?
Were they ?



  • was a good football player.
  • He was here 2 minutes ago.
  • We were at the beach earlier.


  • wasn’t a good football player
  • He wasn’t here 2 minutes ago.
  • We weren’t at the beach earlier.


  • Was I a good football player?
  • Was he here 2 minutes ago?
  • Were you at the beach earlier?


Il passato semplice del verbo to be é usato come collegamento tra il soggetto e il complemento o agettivo. Fornisce delle informazioni aggiuntive sul soggetto al passato.


Usiamo il passato semplice [past simple] quando vogliamo parlare di situazioni accadute nel passato che sono terminate. Il verbo to be forma il passato in modo irregolare.

  • Forma affermativa: (I) was, (you) were, (he/she/it) was, (we/you/they) were;
  • Forma negativa: (I) was not, (you) were not, (he/she/it) was not, (we/you/they) were not;
  • Forma interrogativa: was (I…?), were (you…?), was (he/she/it…?), were (we/you/they…?).

Per esempio:
— Forma affermativa: “The sugar was enough for the cake.”
— Forma negativa: “The sugar wasn’t enough for the cake.”
— Forma interrogativa: “Was the sugar enough for the cake?

Rivediamo questo contenuto nella sezione {Form}. Dai un’occhiata alla sezione {Example} che mostra il suo uso in un contesto.