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La Proposizione Comparativa As … as


I comparativi con aggettivi e avverbi [comparisons with adjectives and adverb] sono usati per comparare cose, o azioni, esprimendone le uguaglianze e diseguaglianze.

Il comparativo di uguaglianza [comparative of equality] (as…as clause) é usato per alcuni scopi.

{vedi Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverbs, A1 level}


Di solito troviamo la struttura del comparativo di uguaglianza (as…as clause) in tre forme.

Forma Affermativa:
Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …

Forma Negativa:
Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …

Forma Interrogativa:
Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …?
Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …?



  1. Cose identiche
    • This box of biscuits is as big as mine.
    • This restaurant makes food as good as my mum’s.
  2. Cose diverse
    • A kilo of potatoes is not as expensive as a kilo of steaks.
    • Her mountain boots are not as cheap as his backpack.
  3. Chieder informazioni sull’uguaglianza/disuguaglianza
    • Is this box of biscuits as big as mine?
    • Do I have champagne as cold as yours?


Usiamo il comparativo di uguaglianza (frase con as…as) per fare paragoni:

  1. Parlare di cose identiche (forma affermativa);
  2. Parlare di cose diverse (forma negativa);
  3. Chiedere informazioni sull’uguaglianza/diseguaglianza (forma interrogativa).


Il comparativo di uguaglianza [comparative of equality] é usato per sottolineare l’uguaglianza o la diseguaglianza tra due cose, persone o azioni.

  • Affermativa:
    Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
    Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …
  • Negativa:
    Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
    Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …
  • Interrogativa:
    Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …?
    Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …?

Per esempio:
— Affermativa: “My doll is as lovely as yours.”
— Negativa: “My doll is not as lovely as yours.”
— Interrogativa: “Is my doll as lovely as yours?

Rivediamo questo contenuto nella sezione {Form}. Dai un’occhiata alla sezione {Example} che mostra l’uso in un contesto.