Adverbs are expressions that function as modifiers of other elements in the clause. They can provide a wide range of information.
When we make Adverbs from Adjectives we follow a general rule.
Adverbs can be formed differenty depending on the suffix. Below you can see the various cases of the formation of Adverbs grouped according to their suffix.
Add -ly.
Adjective | Adverb |
bad | badly |
beautiful | beautifully |
complete | completely |
extreme | extremely |
slow | slowly |
If an Adjective ends with “-y” we change it to “i” before adding -ly.
Adjective | Adverb |
easy | easily |
happy | happily |
nasty | nastily |
If an Adjective ends with “consonant + -le“, “-e” becomes “-y“.
Adjective | Adverb |
gentle | gently |
idle | idly |
noble | nobly |
If an Adjective ends witch “-ic“, we add “-ally“.
Adjective | Adverb |
drastic | drastically |
enthusiastic | enthusiastically |
tragic | tragically |
Adjective | Adverb |
full | fully |
public | publicly |
shy | shyly |
true | truly |
“Friendly” and “Timely” are Adjectives and if we want to use them as Adverbs, we follows this structure:
- Friendly > in a friendly manner;
- Timely > in a timely manner.
Most of the adverbs
- He was answering slowly.
Adjective with suffix -y
- She easily moved to another flat.
Adjective ending with consonant + -le, -e
- She gently opened the pack of flour.
- You idly ate that tin of tuna.
Adjective with suffix -ic
- They enthusiastically made a jar of marmalade.
- She shyly asked a question.
- We offered her some orange juice in a friendly manner.
Adverbs have several rules for creation but also many irregularities. How to use them and further irregularities can be found in the related pages.
Adverbs are expressions that function as modifiers of other elements in the clause. When we make Adverbs from Adjectives we follow a general rule. There are also many irregularities.
For example:
— Add -ly: “I wrapped a box of biscuits beautifully.” = Generally we form an Adverb by adding -ly.
— Adjective ending with -y: “I can easily drink alcoholic drinks.” = We change -y to -i and add -ly.
— Consonant + -le: “The knight who nobly fought was thirsty.” = -e at the end becomes -y.
— Adjective ending with -ic: “Steak prices drastically changed.” = Adjective takes -ally to become an Adverb.
Let’s revise this content within the [Form] section. And take a look to the [Examples] that show its use within a context.