- English Grammar A2 Level for Ukrainian speakers - https://open.books4languages.com/english-a2-grammar-uk -

Present Continuous for Future


The Future is the tense used to predict or talk about future events.

When we use the Present Continuous structure we refer to fixed plans. {see Present Continuous, A1 Level}


{See Present continuous, A1 level}.


  • She‘s having a job interview next week.
  • She isn’t having a job interview next week.
  • Is she having a job interview next week?


We can use the Present Continuous tense to talk about planned future activities or fixed arrangements whose time has already been decided.


We can use the Present Continuous to talk about the future. We do this when we refer to fixed plans.

For example:
— “I am working on an important project the whole month.” = In this case we use the Present Continuous because we want to talk about an arrangement for the near future.
♦ “I am working on an important project the whole month.” = We use the present continuous because we are expressing our current situation (now).
♦ “I will work on an important project the whole month.” = We use the future simple because we express a more distant period of time (future).

Let’s revise this content within the [Form] section. Take a look at the [Example] section that shows its use within a context.