- English Grammar A1 Level for Slovene speakers - https://open.books4languages.com/english-a1-grammar-sl -

There is in there are


There is/are (je, so) sta izraza, ki ju uporabljamo za potrditev, zanikanje, ali preverjanje, ali nekaj obstaja.


There is/are imata osebek po glagolu in ponavadi ju lahko najdemo v treh oblikah:


Samostalniki v ednini: There is + singular noun/uncountable noun + …
Samostalniki v množini: There are + plural noun + …


Samostalniki v ednini: There is + not + singular noun/uncountable noun + …
Samostalniki v množini: There are + not + plural noun + …

Nikalne kratke oblike so: there isn’t/aren’t (enake kratke oblike kot za to be).

Pogosteje rabljeni nikalni izraz je there are no/there aren’t ali there are not any/there aren’t any.


Samostalniki v ednini: Is there + singular noun/uncountable noun + …?
Samostalniki v množini: Are there + plural noun + …?


  • There is
    • There is a cat in the garden.
    • There is not a cat in the garden.
      There isn’t a cat in the garden.
    • Is there a cat in the garden?
  • There are
    • There are ten cats in the garden.
    • There are not ten cats in the garden.
      There aren’t ten cats in the garden.
    • Are there ten cats in the garden?


There is/are sta izraza, ki ju uporabljamo za potrditev, zanikanje, ali preverjanje, ali nekaj obstaja.


There is/are sta izraza, ki ju uporabljamo, ko hočemo potrditi (trdilna), zanikati (nikalna) ali preveriti (vprašalna), da/ali nekaj obstaja.

  • Ednina: there is
  • Množina: there are

Na primer:
— Trdilna: “There is a plate on the table.” / “There are plates on the table.”
— Nikalna: “There isn’t a plate on the table.” / “There aren’t plates on the table.”
— Vprašalna: “Is there a plate on the table?” / “Are there plates on the table?”

Pogosteje rabljeni negativni obliki sta there is no/there are no.

Na primer:
— “There is no plate on the table.” / “There are no plates on the table.”

NOTE: Še ena pogosto rabljena negativna oblika je there are not any.

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