Book Title: Ορθογραφία Ελληνικών A2
Subtitle: Practical Guide of the Greek Orthography: A2 Level
Book Description: Greek Orthography: A2 Level is a practical guide for learning Greek. Fully written in Greek, it serves as a base for the adaptation to different mother tongues. This book forms a part of the series My Greek Skills. Starting from an Integrated Foreign Language Curriculum, we offer an eclectic system with a distribution of contents based on the Learning Objects.
Book Information
Book Description
Books for Languages offers language courses with an Integrated Foreign Language Curriculum and a notional-functional approach. We offer materials aligned with the CEFR levels of language competence. This book is the Orthography part of the My Greek Skills series. Together with the other sections: Vocabulary, Grammar and Culture, they all create a complete Greek language course. Grounded on the system of Learning Objects, we aim for the courses to be flexible, easily adaptable and focused on developing all language skills.
Ορθογραφία Ελληνικών A2 Copyright © 2018 by books4languages. All Rights Reserved.
Language teaching and learning material and coursework