
Books for languages is an Open Language Publishing company. You can use our textbooks or to publish textbooks from our books in multiple formats including:

  • MOBI (for Kindle ebooks)
  • EPUB (for all other ebookstores)
  • designed PDF (for print-on-demand and digital distribution)

Books for languages is used by educational institutions around the world as well as language teachers.

Extended information about our system cam be found here:

Want to help?

Books4Languages are very keen to develop all our learning resources alongside the lecturers and students who will be using them when they are launched. We are always looking for reviewers to provide feedback and advice on products at any and all of the following stages, to ensure that our content meets intended learner outcomes:

If you are interested in being involved in any of these types of reviews, please register in any book and follow the indications of the review button in the bottom of the pages you would like to review.

Want to get involved?

If you already are a teacher, why not to be the author of your textbook?

  • Translate the content; or
  • Make an adaptation.

Send us a textbook proposal

Be part of us

We are a global community working together to create and share Open Educational Resources (OER). Here you’ll find people, processes, and tools to support your publishing efforts. You can use this platform to:

We are making books to build communities, and building communities to make books. Join us!

We have a detailed handbook to help contributors learn how to work with the books.


For more information about Books for languages, see our contributors information.