- English Grammar A2 Level - https://open.books4languages.com/english-a2-grammar -

Prepositions of Possession


Prepositions are small words that connect elements in a sentence. They are essential because they provide additional details about the sentence.

Prepositions of possession are used to express that something belongs to a person, animal or thing.


The main prepositions used to show possession are:

  • ofof + nouns/possessive pronouns;
  • toto + object pronouns;
  • withwith adjectives/nouns.


  • These are the most important monuments of London.
  • Dublin is the capital of Ireland.
  • She is a friend of mine.
  • My heart belongs to you. 
  • This towel belongs to me.
  • They belong to the same family. 
  • I saw a boy with brown eyes.
  • She spoke with a German accent.
  • The girl with the black hat.


We use prepositions of possession to highlight a relationship of ownership and possession:

  • of is used with countries, cities, people, possessive pronouns;
  • to is used to express belonging (belong to);
  • with is used with physical characteristics, accents, objects/materials/animals.


Prepositions of possession are used to express that something belongs to a person, animal or thing. There are no rules regarding this topic, therefore you need to learn them by heart.

The main prepositions of possession are: of, to and with.

For example:
— “She is the girl of his dreams.” = We use of to express possession.
— “She is the girl with the piercing.” = We use with to express someone’s physical characteristics.
— “She is the girl that belongs to your team.” = We use belong to to express belonging.

Let’s revise this content within the {Form} section. Take a look at the {Example} section that shows its use within a context.