61 Prepositional Phrases
Prepositional phrases are the result of the combination of the prepositions and other elements of the sentence (verbs) {see Prepositional Phrases, A1 Level}.
A prepositional verb is every verb followed by a preposition.
Prepositional phrases consist of a verb and a preposition. They always have an object immediately after the preposition, which acts as a connection between the verb and its object.
Prepositional phrases have this structure:
… + verb + preposition + object + …
The most commonly used prepositions with verbs are: about, at, for, from, in, of, on, with…
Examples of prepositional phrases are: agree with, beg for, believe in, laugh at, listen to, look at, remind of, wait for, worry about…
- She is knocking at the door of the post office.
- They aren´t laughing at me.
- I have to send him a fax. Could you remind me of that later?
{See Prepositional Phrases, A1 Level}.
Prepositional phrases are the combination of the prepositions and other elements of the sentence. A prepositional verb is every verb followed by a preposition.
The most commonly used prepositions with verbs are: about, at, for, from, in, of, on, with…
Examples of prepositional phrases are: agree with, believe in, look at, remind of, wait for, worry about…
They have this structure:
… + verb + preposition + object + …
For example:
— “He waits for their answer every day.” / “He waits their answer every day.” / “He waits their answer for every day.”
NOTE: Some adverbs can be used as prepositions too. Mentioned distinction could be found in dictionaries.
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