Innovative Education
My Language Skills offers an innovative, collaborative and cooperative, student centered environment and provides a system that teachers can personalize the content easily thanks to our modular approach and open licenses.
Outstanding Teaching Experience
The importance of the figure of the teacher and teaching style on the processes of acquiring a new language is vital. We support teachers by giving them access to an array of materials together with the freedom of choice, how to use them to achieve the best results in the classroom. My Language Skills creates wide variety of tools for teachers to use and adapt according to the needs of their students. The resources can be used to create general language courses as well as specialised language courses (medicine, technology) to respond to the demands of specific students. We do it through maximising the teachers’ potential and saving their time. It will be easier and more time-efficient to create a specific lesson by giving teachers more time to focus on personalisation of the session. Thanks to the modular character of our materials, teachers can focus on what the students need and skip what they already know.
Outstanding Student Experience
My Language Skills is able to produce an outstanding experience for the students through the design of the content. Innovative education means personal, customized learning. The opportunity to help every student learn at the best pace and path for them is the most important benefit of this kind of learning. It makes education more productive, because special needs are more quickly diagnosed and addressed. The main idea behind this is to create tools and technology that could provide the exact resources that each individual student needs. This kind of learning has a potential to boost motivation, for example through game-based learning, among other things. We want to produce high quality materials to enhance students’ motivation and persistence. Our resources are relevant and regularly updated which allows the students from all over the world to make the process of learning a second language easier, faster and more effective.
What are the courses like?
We divide the course into different Components of the languages (Vocabulary, Grammar, Orthography and Cultural), so that the teachers can choose the resources they require most for the student and can create a way of teaching directed towards the student’s needs. Within these components four language competence skills are practiced (reading, writing, listening and speaking).
The course on each Level is divided into 12 Themes + a Theme 0 (as an introduction or review the content from the previous levels), to adapt it regardless of the number of evaluations it has. Each Theme has two Units (where in A levels one unit is one week of study and in B and C levels one unit are two weeks of study). We also divide each one of these components into a high number of Topics where one Topic contains one Learning Object (a grammatical rule, the vocabulary of a subtheme, a communicational objective, etc.) split in their Dimensions. This subdivision allows to adapt the content to different contexts or to explain a course in a very dynamic way. In this way, the teacher has complete control over the content that they want to use in their classes.
We organise the Topics using a sequence of carefully linked Units which revolve around a Theme and they act in line with the achievement of an objective (or action) through activities and tasks. We offer different kind of exercises and the activities that are prepared to cover the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). This organisation facilitates the collaboration between students of the same course, the cooperation of the students of different languages within the same level of language competence and courses of the same language with different levels.
Each topic is finished with a short video (60-90s) of a resume of the topic and a long video (6-12m) with the true explanation of the topic, making more friendly the learning enviroment.
It must not be forgotten that all of the books are directly connected and integrated through the platform as one single course.