39 Common Prepositions of Time and Place



Prepositions are small words that connect elements in a sentence. They are essential because they provide additional details about the sentence by locating events, people and objects in a time and place.


Prepositions usually come before a noun phrase or pronoun.

The most commonly used prepositions are: at, by, for, from, in, on, towith


  1. I am at the supermarket.
  2. He went by bus.
  3. They went for a walk.
  4. He works from nine to six.
  5. The juice is in the fridge.
  6. The cat jumped on the table.
  7. He went to the kitchen.
  8. She played with her son in the living room.


Prepositions don’t stand alone, but rather act with other elements of the sentence to create the main sense. Some of the most common prepositions are prepositions of movement, time or place. Others just provide further information to the reader.

  1. At (being in a specific place);
  2. By (using the means of…);
  3. For (with the purpose of…);
  4. From (starting point of a movement);
  5. In (being inside a closed 3-dimensional place);
  6. On (being on a surface and having some contact with it);
  7. To (moving towards a destination);
  8. With (accompanied by…).


Prepositions are important as they provide additional information about the sentence. Some of the most common prepositions are prepositions of movement, time or place.

The most commonly used prepositions are: at, by, for, from, in, on, to, with

For example:
— “I’m at the supermarket.”
— “I have to speak with the manager.”

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