14 Compound Nouns



Nouns refer to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality.

A compound noun is a noun formed by a combination of words.


A compound noun is a noun formed by two or more existing words which are combined to create a whole new noun. The most commonly used compound nouns are:

Part 1 Part 2 Compound Noun
air port airport
black board blackboard
cheese cake cheesecake
ear ring earring
fire man fireman
foot ball football
girl friend girlfriend
tea spoon teaspoon
wall paper wallpaper


  • I am waiting for you at the airport.
  • A blackboard is a board often used in schools.
  • You need a ball to play football.


Each part of the compound noun has its own meaning and the result of the combination of the two parts is a new word with a new meaning.


A compound noun is a noun formed by two or more words.

The most commonly used are: airport, blackboard, cheesecake, earring, fireman, football, girlfriend, teaspoon, wallpaper

For example:
Bed (resting place) + room (place surrounded by walls) → Bedroom (place with a bed used to rest).

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