Unit 8.1
Fractions and decimals
Fractions and decimals represent a numerical quantity.
- Regular fractions
Spelling: a cardinal number + an ordinal number in the plural (except for the number 1)
2/3 | two thirds |
- Irregular fractions
Spelling: They have their own specific names
1/4 | a quarter | |
1/2 | a half | |
3/4 | three quarters |
- Two ways to express their writing form:
- Fraction
3/5 | three fifths |
- Decimals
0.5 | point five/ nought point five/ zero point five |
0.25 | point two five/ nought point two five/zero point two five |
0.333 | point three three three/ nought point three three three/ zero point three three three |
- The fat content of this product is two thirds.
- They held the post for two and a half years.
- We’re only talking a quarter million.
We use fractions and decimals in science and everyday life to express quantities.
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