Unit 1.1

Number of nouns



Nouns [sustantivos] are words used to name people, things, and animals that have gender and number.

Nouns follow specific rules [reglas] when it comes to forming number [número].


Regarding the formation of number nouns, there are several rules.

  • non-acute nouns with more than one syllable ending in -s do not change to plural;
Singular Plural
el martes los martes
la crisis las crisis
  • there are lexical duals, i.e., words which in the plural usually designate an even object composed of symmetrical parts: las gafas, los pantalones, las tijeras.


  • El martes pasado estuvimos en la playa todo el tiempo;
  • Los martes no hay nadie en la calle;
  • Esta crisis sigue dando de qué hablar;
  • Las crisis necesitan solucionarse;
  • He cortado los pantalones con estas tijeras hace un rato.


{See Noun number, level A1}


Nouns are words that serve to name all the kinds of subjects amd objects and have gender and number. In Spanish, not all nouns have typical endings; there are exceptions:

For example:
— «El lunes quedaré con ella (=singular)/Los lunes son muy difíciles (=plural)»; 
— «El bíceps está en el brazo(=singular)/Los bíceps de ese hombre son enormes (=plural)»

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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