Unit 1.2
Polarity of Qualifying Adjectives
The adjective [adjetivo] modifies the noun, indicating its characteristics or qualities. There are two kinds of adjectives: qualifying adjectives and relational adjectives.
Through polarity [polaridad], the qualifying adjective is placed at one of two opposing poles, i.e. two opposite pairs are representing the two extreme degrees of quality of something (polar antonyms).
The polarity of qualifying adjectives means that they have polar antonyms (opposite words), representing the two extreme degrees of quality. Here are some examples:
Adjetivo calificativo | Antónimo |
alto | bajo |
bonito | feo |
bueno | malo |
fácil | difícil |
grande | pequeño |
- En Navidad era más bajo, pero ahora soy alto;
- La cabalgata de este año ha sido bonita, la del año pasado era fea;
- Durante todo el fin de semana han pasado cosas buenas y cosas malas;
- El examen de esta semana va a ser difícil, no como el otro, que fue fácil;
- Después de comer un plato grande apetece un postre pequeño.
{See Types of Adjectives, level A1}
The adjective modifies the noun, indicating its characteristics or qualities. There are two kinds of adjectives: qualifying adjectives and relational adjectives. In Spanish, there is the polarity of the qualifying adjective; that is to say, there are two opposite pairs that represent the two extreme degrees of quality of something (polar antonyms).
For example:
— «El libro es largo y la revista es corta» = corto is the antonym of the qualifying adjective largo;
— «La película es buena, pero la secuela mala» = bueno is the antonym of qualifying adjective malo.
Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.
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