Unit 10.2

Subordinate Adverbial Temporal Adverbial Sentences II



The subordinate clause [oración subordinada] is a type of compound sentence structurally dependent on the nucleus of another sentence, called the main sentence [oración principal].

There are three types of subordinate clauses: noun, adjective (or relative) and adverbial [sustantivas, adjetivas (o de relativo) y adverbiales].

Adverbial subordinate clauses [oraciones subordinadas adverbiales] express a circumstance of the main verb. Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses [oraciones subordinadas adverbiales temporales] indicate a temporal circumstance of the main sentence.


Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses can also express delimitation concerning the action of the main sentence.


Temporal delimiting sentences are connected to the main sentence with several prepositions or locutions:

  • desde: it goes together with a noun or an adverb:
    Main sentence + desde + noun/adverb + subordinate clause;
  • desde que: goes together with a verb in the indicative:
    Main sentence + desde que + subordinate clause (verb in the indicative);
  • desde hace: goes together with a temporal complement:
    Main sentence + desde hace + temporal complement + subordinate clause;
  • hace que: goes together with a temporal complement and a verb in the present indicative:
    Main sentence + hace + temporal complement + que + subordinate clase (verb in the indicative) ;
  • hasta: goes together with a noun or an adverb:
    Main sentence+ hasta + noun/adverb + subordinate clause


  • No he recibido ni un mensaje desde anoche;
  • Desde que me enviaste la carta, mi vida cambió;
  • No voy a Correos desde hace dos años;
  • Hace un mes que no os veo. Tenemos que  enviarnos una postal un día de estos;
  • ¡Hasta pronto! Envíame una carta desde Vancouver.


Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses can also express delimitation with respect to the action of the main sentence, to which they are connected by nexuses:

  • delimitation:
    • desde + noun/adverb: is used to indicate the time or place where an action begins;
    • desde que + verb in the indicative: is used to indicate the time or place where an action begins;
    • desde hace + temporal complement: is used to indicate the duration of a period;
    • hace + temporal complement + que + verb in the present indicative tense: is used to indicate the duration of a period;
    • hasta + noun/adverb: indicates the term of time, place or actions.


Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses indicate the temporal circumstance of the main sentence through nexuses such as: desde, desde que, desde hace, hace, hasta, hasta que.

For example:
— «Lo hago cuando vuelva del trabajo». = Cuando indicates the moment in time;
— «No lo voy a hacer hasta que vuelva del trabajo». = Hasta que indicates the moment in time.

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.



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