Unit 9.2

Simple Sentence Types: Speaker’s Attitude



The simple sentence [oración simple] is a type of sentence with only a predicate consisting of a verb and other words.

There are three other types of simple sentences depending on the speaker’s attitudeinterrogative disjunctive, exclamative and exhortative [interrogativas disyuntivas, exclamativas y exhortativas].


Other subcategories of simple sentences, according to the attitude of the speaker, are disjunctive interrogatives, exclamatives and exhortative interrogatives

Interrogative disjunctive

Simple disjunctive interrogative sentences propose a choice between two or more options, usually preceded by the preposition o.


Simple exclamatory sentences are written between exclamation marks.


Simple exhortative sentences usually have the verb in the imperative.


Interrogative disjunctive:

  • No sé si quiero plátano o manzana;
  • No estoy segura de si me apetece helado de fresa o helado de vainilla.


  • ¡Qué ha pasado con el chocolate del armario!
  • Tenemos tarta de chocolate para desayunar ¡Qué pasada!


  • Pide la carne de ternera que está muy rica.
  • Te ruego que no le eches ajo al plato, no me gusta nada.


The different types of simple sentences, depending on the attitude of the speaker, also serve different purposes:

  • disjunctive interrogatives: to ask a question, direct or indirect;
  • exclamatory: to express and emphasise different emotions and feelings (alegría, tristeza, temor, etc.);
  • exhortative: to communicate advice, pleas, commands or prohibitions.


A simple sentence is a type of sentence that has only one verb. In Spanish, simple sentences are divided according to the speaker’s attitude and the nature of the predicate. Their structure is:
Subject + predicate + object + …

For example:
— «Juan corre todos los días». = It has only one verb;
— «María se peina muy temprano». = It has only one verb.

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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