Literary texts

Text: Introductions


You, me (we)

Marta is a English teacher in Brighton, a turistic city in south England. She works in a language school. She likes when she teaches people from different countries.

Today is the first day of class for a new student, Toni. He is Spanish and wants to learn English because he likes the culture and the historic cities of England.

  • Hello! Good afternoon!. My name is Marta and I am your Spanish teacher. How are you?
  • Good Morning teacher. I’m fine, thanks!
  • I’m glad to hear it! What is your name?
  • My name is Toni.
  • Nice to meet you!. Where are you from?
  • I’m from England and I live in London.
  • I live in Valencia, but I’m from Madrid. What do you do, Tom?
  • I’m an engineer and I write travel books for tourists.

Toni wants to learn English with Marta. Classes begin in five minutes and Marta says goodbye to meet with the rest of the students.

  • See you in class, Toni!.
  • Goodbye, teacher!


  • Contextual introduction (anchor).
  • Dialogue (aspectualization).
  • Googbye and closing.


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The Books4Languages is a collaborative projects, with people from all over the world bringing their skills and interests to join in the compilation and dissemination of knowledge to everyone, everywhere.
