Unit 8.1

Transitive and Intransitive Predicative Verbs



Predicative verbs [verbos predicativos] are a type of verbs that express the state, passion or action of the subject to which they refer in the sentence.

There are two types: transitive [transitivos], intransitive [intransitivos] and unaccusative [inacusativos]


Predicative verbs are non-copulative verbs and can be distinguished into transitive, intransitive and unaccusative verbs.


Transitive verbs are verbs that require the presence of a CD as an argument and can be transitive without the express CD (comer).

Some transitive verbs can have two or more arguments (agent + subject; agent + subject + addressee/target): escribir, regalar;

Some examples of transitive verbs are: aprender, construir, dar, mandar, mirar, ordenar, permitir, prestar, saber, vender…


Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not demand and do not have complements;

Some examples of intransitive verbs are: andar, correr, gritar, gustar, impresionar, ladrar, molestar, rugir, subir, tronar…


Unaccusative verbs are verbs that have characteristics of both intransitive and transitive verbs: they have only one subject, and the subject is not considered an agent, but a subject (like the CD of transitive verbs);

Some examples of unaccusative verbs are: nacer, crecer, envejecer



  • Le regalaron un cuaderno para dibujar nueva por su cumpleaños;
  • He vendido un armario de madera en buen estado por internet;
  • No puede ser que te hayas aprendido todos los verbos irregulares en una tarde.


  • Mi perro y yo andamos por el monte todos los fines de semana y vamos a mirar el atardecer;
  • Las niñas molestan a la gente en el parque con sus ruidos;
  • Los perros del vecino ladran constantemente por la noche cuando oyen un ruido.


  • Al nacer escriben tu nombre y apellido en un papel;
  • Mi padre creció en un viñedo donde hacían vino tinto;
  • La piel envejece mucho más rápido si no te hidratas.


Predicative verbs are used to express the state, passion or action of the subject to which they refer. They are divided into:

  • transitive verbs: they denote that action is closed, i.e. it is limited by the direct complement on which the action of the verb falls;
  • intransitive verbs: they denote that action is open, i.e. it is not defined by a direct object, since they have no object;
  • unaccusative verbs: they are used like transitive or intransitive verbs, depending on the context.


Predicate verbs are non-copulative verbs, and, in Spanish, they can be distinguished into transitive, intransitive and unaccusative verbs. Transitive verbs, the actions falls on a direct object, while intransitive verbs do not have a direct object; and unaccusative verbs have characteristics of both intranstive and transitive verbs.

For example:
— «La chica está mirando al perro» = The verb mirar is transtive because the action falls on the direct object (perro);
— «El perro está ladrando» = The verb ladrar is intransitive because the action has no direct object.

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


Predicative verbs are non-copulative verbs that express the state, passion or action of the subject to which they refer in the sentence. There are three types: transitive (they are constructed with a direct complement), intransitive (they are constructed without a direct complement) and unaccusative (they can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context). You can go deeper into the content on the complements of the verb.


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