Unit 5.2

Adverbs of quantity or degree



Adverbs [adverbios] modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb in a sentence.

Adverbs of quantity or degree [adverbios de cantidad o grado] give specific information about the intensity of action of the verb or the quantity of an adjective or other adverb.


Adverbs of quantity or degree have no fixed position in the sentence: can modify the adjective, the verb, or another adverb.

The main adverbs of quantity or degree are:

  • poco, mucho, bastante: they are placed after the verb;
  • muy: modifies another adverb or an adjective and is placed before it;
  • bien, mal: there are also resultative adverbs that always follow the verb.

NOTE: Adverbs do not vary in gender and number.


  • Las páginas del libro están nuevas porque lo he leído poco;
  • El diccionario pesa mucho;
  • En ese colegio me hacían estudiar bastante;
  • Este ordenador va muy rápido;
  • El profesor dice que el ejercicio me ha salido bien;
  • Esta pregunta creo que la he respondido muy mal.


Adverbs of quantity or degree refer to the amount or degree concerning the development of action and answer the question:¿Cuánto/a?

The main adverbs of quantity or degree have the following uses:

  • pocoinsufficiently in degree, strength, intensity, frequency, or time;
  • mucho: with too much intensity or frequency, too much long, in great quantity;
  • bastanteneither too much nor too little, sufficiently;
  • muy: to denote the superlative degree of significance;
  • bien: to indicate that something is right and proper;
  • mal: the opposite of the adverb bien, i.e., it indicates that something is wrong or inadequate.


Adverbs of quantity or degree give information about quantity or degree. Some are placed before the verb, and others are placed before the adjective.

The most important ones are: mucho, poco, bastante, demasiado

For example:
— «Soy muy listo.» = Delante del adjetivo;
— «Yo también lo soy bastante».

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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