Unit 10.1

Reflexive verbs



The verb [verbo] is a kind of word with person, number, tense, mood, and aspect. It also indicates the action, movement, existence, condition, or state of the subject in the sentence.

Reflexive verbs [verbos reflexivos] are transitive verbs (those that need a direct object) whose action is on the subject that performs it.

Reflexive pronouns [pronombres reflexivos] are used with reflexive verbs and agree with the subject in person and number in the sentence.


Reflexives verbs are transitive verbs (they require a direct object) and are composed with a reflexive pronoun followed by the conjugated verb as follows:

(Subjet +) Reflexive pronoun + conjugated verb + …

Reflexive pronouns refer to the subject, are always used with reflexive verbs, and agree in person and number with the sentence’s subject.

The reflexive verb is conjugated with its corresponding reflexive pronoun:

Persona Pronombre reflexivo Verbo conjugado
Yo me llamo
te llamas
Él/Ella/Usted se llama
Nosotros/-as nos llamamos
Vosotros/-as os llamáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes se llaman

Other reflexive verbs are: acostarse, afeitarse, despertarse, ducharse, irse, maquillarse, secarse, sentirse, vestirse


  • Me he acostado sobre las gafas de sol;
  • Te afeitaste la barba de tres días y deshiciste la maleta;
  • Se despertó sin su pasaporte;
  • Nos duchamos antes de ir al puesto de información;
  • Os fuisteis a comprar un ordenador;
  • Se maquillaron a juego con su bolso.


Reflexive verbs are verbs whose action is on the subject that acts (a person or a part of their body or clothing).

They indicate that someone acts themselves, so the reflexive pronoun always agrees with the subject.


In Spanish, reflexive verbs are transitive verbs (those that need a direct object) whose action is performed by the same subject.

Reflexive pronouns are used with reflexive verbs and are used to indicate that the same person acts. This pronoun agrees in person and number with the subject of the sentence.

Reflexive verbs in the sentence have the following formula:
(Subject +) reflexive pronoun + conjugated verb + …

For example:
— «Ella se ducha por la mañana» (=to himself);
— «Me afeito todos los días» (=to myself).

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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