Unit 11.1

Copulative and Disjunctive Coordinated Sentences



A coordinate sentence [oración coordinada] is a compound sentence made up of two or more sentences joined by conjunctions or conjunctive locutions (sets of words that function as conjunction).

Coordinated sentences are classified as copulative, disjunctive, adversative and distributive.

The copulative coordinated sentence [oración coordinada copulativa] indicates union or addition and is characterized by the fact that is joined by a copulative nexus y.

The disjunctive coordinated sentence [oración coordinada disyuntiva] is made up of two contradictory sentences, usually joined by the conjunction o.


Coordinated sentences are classified according to their function and the type of nexus that links them.

Two types of coordinated sentences are copulative and disjunctive sentences.

Copulative Coordinated Sentences

Copulative coordinated sentences are made up of two sentences whose information is added together.

They are connected by the conjunction y when both sentences have affirmative verbs, and ni, when the first sentences has a negative verb:

Sentence + y + sentence.
Sentence (with negative verb) + ni + sentence.

Disjunctive Coordinated Sentences

Disjunctive coordinated sentences are made up of two opposing sentences.

The conjunction o connects them:

sentence + o + sentence.


Copulative coordinates:

  • Yo voy al hospital y tú trabajas en él;
  • Tú eres enfermera y yo soy un paciente;
  • Este local por el día es una farmacia y por la noche es un supermercado;
  • Yo no voy al hospital ni tú trabajas en él;
  • Tú no eres enfermera ni yo soy un paciente;
  • Este local no es una farmacia ni es un supermercado.

Disjunctive coordinates:

  • Nosotros podríamos ser médicos o ser enfermeros;
  • Vosotras podéis iros del hospital o quedaros en él;
  • Ellos llevan gafas o llevan lentillas.


Coordinated sentences can be used separately (i.e. each has its meaning), and neither is dependent on the other.

Copulative and disjunctive coordinates serve for different purposes:

  • Copulative coordinated sentences serve to add equal elements to the sentence and to add their meanings together;
  • Disjunctive coordinated sentences serve to express a choice between several mutually exclusive elements (options).


In Spanish, there are several types of sentences composed by coordination, i.e. two sentences that do not depend on each other but are independent. Two types of coordinating sentences are:

  • Copulative sentences are two sentences that add information to other sentences; that is why they are connected with the conjunction y or ni;
  • Disjuntive sentences are two sentences that contradict each other; that is why they are connected with the conjunction o.

For example
— «Juan es maestro y su mujer también»= copulative sentence;

— «¿Vienes hoy a la tarde o te vas a quedar en casa?»= disjunctive sentence.

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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