Unit 2.2

Present of indicative of the verb Estar



The present indicative [presente de indicativo] is a verb tense that expresses actions that occur at the moment of speaking, general things, habitual actions, and future actions.

The verb estar is an irregular verb used to identify things and places in a transitory state.


The verb estar is irregular and is not conjugated according to its infinitive ending. It is used with:

The verb estar in the present indicative is conjugated as follows:

Persona Estar
Yo estoy
Él/Ella/Usted está
Nosotros/-as estamos
Vosotros/-as estáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes están

NOTE: When the verb is used with demonstrative pronouns (Este, ese, aquel…), it is placed after them.


Definite articles:

  • El viernes está a la vuelta de la esquina;
  • La plaza está a veces vacía;
  • Los pájaros están en el cielo todos los días.

Adverbs of manner:

  • Tirar basura al mar siempre está mal;
  • Ayudar a los ancianos con frecuencia está bien;
  • Los exámenes que hago normalmente están regular.

Demonstrative pronouns:

  • Este está roto desde el lunes;
  • Ese nunca está sentado;
  • Aquellas están cansadas de bailar.


The verb estar is used to:

  • to express a temporary activity;
  • to talk about a transitory state of mind and physique;
  • to talk about the result of an action;
  • without an adjective when we want to locate and express where someone is (spatial location).


In Spanish, the verb estar is an irregular verb used to identify things and places in a transitory state.

For example:

— «el chico está sentado.» = to talk about the physical state of “del chico“;

— «el chico está contento.» = to talk about the state of mind of “del chico”;

— «el chico está cerca.» = to talk about the location in which it is located “el chico”.

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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