Unit 9.1

Indirect Object Pronouns: Me



Pronouns [pronombres] are words that replace nouns (people, animals, facts, or things) to avoid repetition.

Me is the indirect complement pronoun [pronombre de complemento indirecto] of the 1st person singular (yo), which indicates the subject’s addressee. In other words, it functions as an indirect complement in the sentence.


The indirect complement (IC) pronouns do not refer to the subject; they serve to replace the indirect complement in the sentence.

The IC pronoun of the 1st person singular has the following form: me.


  • Me gusta levantarme temprano;
  • Me gusta ducharme por las mañanas;
  • Me gustan los desayunos con galletas;
  • No me gusta lavarme los dientes;
  • No me gusta merendar paté;
  • No me gustan los bocadillos de salchichón.


Indirect complement (IC) pronouns refer to a person, animal, or thing known or mentioned.

The pronoun me is used with the verb gustar to point to the person experiencing the like or interest.


In Spanish, indirect complement pronouns (IC) are used to replace the IC and avoid repetition. They answer the questions ¿A quién/qué? and ¿Para quién? They usually used with verbs such as gustar, parecer, encantar…

For example:
— «Me gusta esta canción». = With the verb gustar;
— «A Nuria le pusieron un 10 en el examen». = Answers the question ¿a quién?.

NOTE: They go before the verb when it is conjugated, but they go after the verb, forming a single word when it is infinitive.

Check the contents of the {Form} section. Then move on to the {Example} section, which shows you the usage in context.


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