
Cinema and theatrical arts: Cinema

Cinema and theatrical arts: Dance

Cinema and theatrical arts: Theatre

Collective identity: Feelings and belonging to the social sphere: Citizen participation and pluralism

Collective Identity: Feelings and belonging to the social sphere: Shaping of a collective identity

Ecology and environment: National parks and tourist routes

Education and culture: Education centres

Education and culture: Libraries, museums and cultural centres

Food and drink: Cuisine and food

Food and drink: Social conventions and etiquette

Health and hygiene: Public health

In the educational sphere

In the professional sphere: Relations between work colleagues

In the professional sphere: Relations with clients

In the professional sphere: Relations with hierarchical superiors

Legendary and historical events and personalities

Literature and thought

Means of communication and information: Printed press

Means of communication and information: Television and radio

Means of communication: Printed press

Means of communication: Television and radio

Means of communication: The Internet

Music: Classical music

Music: Traditional and popular music

Physical geography: Climates

Physical geography: Geographically distinctive features

Services: Cleaning and maintenance of public areas

Services: Parks and green areas

Services: Sports facilities

Services: Street installations

Shopping: Consumer habits

Shopping: Prices and methods of payment

Shopping: Shops and establishments

Social and cultural events and people from social and cultural life

Social services and support programmes: Assistance for immigrants

Social services and support programmes: Assistance for older people

Social services and support programmes: Assistance for people without economic resources

Travel, accommodation and transport: Airports, ports, railways and motorways

Travel, accommodation and transport: Hotels and accommodation

Travel, accommodation and transport: Public transport

Travel, accommodation and transport: Travel

Visual arts: Painting

Visual arts: Photography

Visual arts: Sculpture