Unit 7.2

Verb Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns

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The subject and verb agreement is a situation in which the subject and a verb accord in number.

With verb agreement also indefinite pronouns are followed by singular verbs.


The indefinite pronouns are always singular, so they always take singular verbs.

The indefinite pronouns are: no one, nobody, someone, somebody.


  • No one attends their wedding.
    No one from here likes a rocky scenery.
  • Nobody wears boots during summer.
    Nobody enjoyed this horrible day.
  • Somebody deletes unnecessary files regularly.
    Somebody needs to help them with the flood in their apartment.
  • Someone gets up early every day in that house.
    Someone loves gardening and someone not.


We use different indefinite pronouns. Their meaning is:

  • no one: no person, nobody;
  • nobody: no person, not anyone;
  • somebody: some person who is unidentified;
  • someone: to address a single person which we do not know, or which is not specified.


According to subject and verb agreement, also singular indefinite pronouns such as someone, no one, nobody and somebody are followed by singular verbs.

For example:
— “No one forgets what happened that night.” = No one is a singular subject and the verb that follows it gets an -s.

Let’s revise this content within the {Form} section. Take a look at the {Example} section that shows its use within a context.

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