Unit 2.2
La costruzione verbale Be going to
La costruzione verbale be going to si usa per parlare del futuro. {vedi Be going to, livello A1}.
{vedi Be going to, livello A1}.
- The profit is low. We are going to go bankrupt.
- The profit is high. We are not going to go bankrupt.
- The profit is low. Are we going to go bankrupt?
Cose che stanno per accadere
- Look at the sky. It is going to rain.
- Look at the sky. It is not going to rain.
- Look at the sky. Is it going to rain?
- You are going to talk to the boss!
- He is going to work as a babysitter.
- They are not going to meet with the client.
Usiamo il futuro con be going to per parlare di:
- Previsioni (basato su segnali che vediamo al momento);
- Cose che stanno per accadere (siamo sicuri che accadano);
- Ordini (forme affermative e negative).
Possiamo usare be going to per parlare di previsioni, cose che stanno per accadere e ordini.
Per esempio:
— “I am going to work on an important project next month.” = be going to
♦ “I am working on an important project next month.” = present continuous
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