
This book is the Grammar section of the A1 level of the practical guide for learning English as a second language. It forms a part of the book series My English Skills. It is fully written in English, and it serves as a base for the adaptation to different mother tongues. Starting from an integrated curriculum of languages, we offer an eclectic system with a distribution of contents based on the needs of learning objectives.

Ce livre est la section grammaire – niveau A1 – du guide pratique pour l’apprentissage de l’anglais comme seconde langue. Il s’intègre dans la série de livres My English Skills, entièrement rédigée en anglais. Ce livre sert de base, au-delà de la traduction, à l’adaptation du contenu en français. Partant d’un programme de langues intégratif, nous offrons un système varié où les contenus sont distribués en fonction des objectifs d’apprentissage.



The Books4Languages is a collaborative projects, with people from all over the world bringing their skills and interests to join in the compilation and dissemination of knowledge to everyone, everywhere.
