Unit 4.1
Definite Articles
Articles are words that define nouns and they belong to the group of words called determiners. Essentially there are two kinds of articles: indefinite and definite.
We use the definite article to refer to specific things.
The definite article is usually placed before both singular and plural nouns, noun phrases or adjectives.
There is only one definite article that we use before nouns: the.
- My cousin studies in the United States.
- I am going to visit the Netherlands.
- The train station is next to my house.
- The Jacksons live next to my house.
- My family owns a house in the Alps.
- I play the piano.
- My favorite newspaper is the New York Times.
- Pizza is the most delicious food in the world!
- The Pope is visiting Germany next week.
- There is a dog in your garden. The dog is hungry.
We use definite articles when we refer to specific things already known to both the speaker and the interlocutor.
We use the definite article with:
- countries where the following words appear in their name: kingdom, republic or states;
- country names in plural;
- definite places, buildings, means of transport, services;
- family names in plural;
- mountain ranges, oceans, rivers and groups of islands;
- musical instruments;
- newspapers;
- superlative adjectives;
- the only thing that exists (the sun, the moon, the sky…);
- things mentioned before (to avoid repetitions).
The definite article the is a determiner used to refer to a specific thing. It is placed
For example:
— “I think the dog is hungry.” = We use the to refer to one specific dog.
♦ “There is a dog in your garden.” = We use the indefinite article (a/an to refer to a non-specific dog.
Let’s revise this content within the {Form} section. Take a look at the {Example} section that shows its use within a context.
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