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English Vocabulary B1 Level
Age and personal relationships
Artistic activities I
Artistic activities II
Business and science
Clothes and notions
Communication and technology
Communication I
Communication II
Diet, economy and industry
Documentation and communication
Education I
Education II
Evaluative notions and diet I
Evaluative notions and diet II
Evaluative notions and spare time I
Evaluative notions and spare time II
Existential and evaluative notions
Existential and spatial notions, services
Existential notions, activities and services
Geography and nature I
Geography and nature II
Governance and politics
Medical services
Mental notions
Mental notions and personal values
Notions and physical dimension
Perceptive and emotional dimension
Perceptivity, emotions and frequency
Personal identity and housing*
Personal identity and relationships
Physical dimension and health
Qualitative notions
Qualitative notions and physical appearance
Qualitative notions, diet and shopping
Quantitative and qualitative notions
Quantitative notions and business
Quantitative notions and job
Quantitative notions, travelling and transportation
Quantitative, spatial and evaluative notions
Science and nature
Science and religion
Services, science, governance and society
Shopping and notions
Time notions I
Time notions II
Time notions III
Time notions IV
Time, spatial and physical notions
Travelling and transportation I
Travelling and transportation II
Travelling and transportation III