Unit 8.2
One eta Ones
One eta ones ordezkapen hitzak dira errepikapenak sahiesteko erabiltzen direnak.
One eta ones erabiltzean hurrengo egiturak aurkituko dituzu:
- One: substantibo zenbakarri singularrentzako.
- Ones: substantibo zenbakarri pluralentzako.
Ez ditugu substantibo zenbakaitzekin erabiltzen.
- I would like a waffle. Just a small one with some cream and berries.
- This novel is more important in literature than that one.
- They have a new camera, it’s the dark coloured one I saw in the newspaper.
- I really like these drawings, the ones which Peter drew.
- He needs new photos of her. The ones that I took are too bright
- They saw new paintings of Joanna, the ones which are at the exhibition.
One eta ones beharrezkoak ez diren hitzak ordezkatzeko erabiltzen dira (substantibo zenbakarri singular edo plurala).
One eta ones erabiltzen dugu errepikapenak sahiesteko:
- One erabiltzen dugu substantibo zenbakarri singularren ordez.
- Ones erabiltzen dugu substantibo zenbakarri pluralen ordez.
— “There is a phone on the table. The black one is mine.” = Phone substantibo zenbakarri singularra da.
— “There are 3 phones on the table. The black ones are mine.” = Phones substantibo zenbakarri plurala da.
Berrikusi dezagun {Form} atalaren edukia. Begira ezazu erabilera {Examples} atalean testuinguru batean nola erabiltzen den ikusteko.
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