Adverbs Formation
Prilozi [adverbs] su riječi koje funkcioniraju kao modifikatori rečenica i rečeničnih dijelova. Pružaju širok spektar informacija.
Prilozi se tvore od pridjeva ovisno o sufiksu. Različite tvorbe priloga:
- Prilozi se tvore dodavanjem sufiksa -ly na pridjeve.
Adjective | Adverb |
bad | badly |
beautiful | beautifully |
complete | completely |
extreme | extremely |
slow | slowly |
- Pridjev sa sufiksom -y : mijenjamo u -i i dodajemo -ly.
Adjective | Adverb |
easy | easily |
happy | happily |
nasty | nastily |
- Ako pridjev završava na suglasnik + -le: -e mijenjamo u -y.
Adjective | Adverb |
gentle | gently |
idle | idly |
noble | nobly |
- Pridjev sa sufiksom -ic: dodajemo -ally.
Adjective | Adverb |
drastic | drastically |
enthusiastic | enthusiastically |
tragic | tragically |
Adjective | Adverb |
full | fully |
public | publicly |
shy | shyly |
true | truly |
Friendly i timely su pridjevi koji se, ako dolaze kao prilozi, koriste na ovaj način:
- Friendly ⇒ in a friendly manner;
- Timely ⇒ in a timely manner.
Most of the adverbs
- He was answering slowly.
Adjective with suffix -y
- She easily moved to another flat.
Adjective ending with consonant + -le, -e
- She gently opened the pack of flour.
- You idly ate that tin of tuna.
Adjective with suffix -ic
- They enthusiastically made a jar of marmalade.
- She shyly asked a question.
- We offered her some orange juice in a friendly manner.
Prilozi su riječi koje opisuju ili pružaju dodatne informacije o glagolima, pridjevima, frazama ili drugim prilozima.
Prilozi [adverbs] su riječi koje funkcioniraju kao modifikatori rečenica i rečeničnih dijelova. Za tvorbu priloga iz pridjeva slijedi se opće pravilo.
— “Beautiful” ⇒ “I wrapped a box of biscuits beautifully.” = Dodajemo -ly;
Iznimke postoje ovisno o sufiksu pridjeva.
— Sufiks -y: “Easy“ ⇒ “I can easily drink alcoholic drinks.” = Mijenjamo -y u -i i dodajemo -ly;
— Suglasnik + -le: “Noble“ ⇒ “The knight who nobly fought was thirsty.” = Mijenjamo -e u -y;
— Sufiks -ic: “Drastic“ ⇒ “Steak prices drastically changed.” = Dodajemo -ally.
Neki prilozi su nepravilni te za njih ne postoji čvrsto pravilo tvorbe (fully, publicly, in a timely manner…).
— “Publicly” ⇒ “He publicly continued his speech.”
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