Past Continuous Interrogative

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Prošlo trajno vrijeme [past continuous ili progressive] je glagolsko vrijeme koje se koristi za izricanje radnji koje su trajale neko vrijeme, koje su bile prekinute nekom drugom radnjom te za one koje su se događale paralelno s nekom drugom radnjom.

Kada se koristi u upitnom obliku, glagol postavlja pitanje o prošlosti.


Past continuous, u upitnom obliku, ima ovu strukturu:
Was/Were + subject + [verb + -ing] + …?

  • Was/were: past simple glagola to be.
Was/Were Subject Verb + -ing Question
Was I working ?
Were you working ?
Was he/she/it working ?
Were we/you/they working ?


  1. Dulja radnja u pozadini koja je prekinuta kraćom
    • Was I running in the park when you sent me that message?
    • Was she doing sport when I called her?
    • Were they watching TV when she got back from work?
  2. Događaj koji se dogodio u određenom trenutku u prošlosti
    • Was I running in the park at 9 o’clock?
    • Was she doing sport when I called her at 11:45?
    • Were they still watching TV when she returned from work at 7 o’clock?
  3. Neprekinuta radnja koja je trajala određeno vrijeme
    • Was I running?
    • Was he crossing the road?
    • Were we watching TV during our break?
  4. Duljina vremenskog perioda u prošlosti
    • Was I working in the bakery on the opposite road last summer?
    • Was she doing sport every day last year to prepare for the race?
    • Were they watching TV all day when they were teenagers?
  5. Prošle paralelne radnje
    • Was I running while she was walking?
    • Was she doing sport while her mother was cooking?
    • Were we talking while the kids were watching TV?
  6. Slijed događaja u prošlosti
    • Were the kids playing on the grass, their parents sitting on the fence and teenagers running when you went to the park?
    • Was her mother working on the laptop, her father watching TV and her sister studying when she went home?
    • Were the patients reading magazines, talking on the phone and was the secretary typing anything on the computer while you were waiting at the doctor today?
  7. Ponovljene ili dosadne radnje (s always)
    • Was I always going late to class?
    • Was she doing sport everyday for years to become a good athlete?
    • Were they always watching TV on high volume late at night?


Past continuous, u upitnom obliku, koristimo za postavljanje pitanja o događajima koji su se dogodili u prošlosti. Najčešće se koristi kad želimo izreći da je neka radnja trajala duže vrijeme.

Past Continuous se koristi u slijedećim slučajevima:

  1. Dulja radnja u pozadini koja je prekinuta kraćom (nešto se iznenada dogodilo kad je druga, duža radnja još trajala);
  2. Događaj koji se dogodio u određenom trenutku u prošlosti (s datumom, satom ili određenom vremenskom informacijom o događaju);
  3. Neprekinuta radnja koja je trajala određeno vrijeme (događaj prošlosti koji je trajao duži vremenski period);
  4. Duljina vremenskog perioda u prošlosti (događaj u prošlosti koje je trajao duži vremenski period);
  5. Prošle paralelne radnje (dvije radnje koje su se odvijale u isto vrijeme);
  6. Slijed događaja u prošlosti  (obično se koristi za opisivanje situacija u kojima su se u isto vrijeme odvijali različiti događaji);
  7. Ponovljene ili dosadne radnje (s always ili sličnim izrazima koji upućuju na ponovljeni događaj).


Prošlo trajno vrijeme [past continuous ili progressive], u upitnom obliku, koristimo za postavljanje pitanja o radnjama koje su trajale neko vrijeme, koje su bile prekinute nekom drugom radnjom te za one koje su se događale paralelno s nekom drugom radnjom.

Was/Were + subject + [verb + -ing] + …?

— “Was I playing football when the phone rang?” = Koristimo past continuous da pitamo je li neka radnja prekinula zvonjavu telefona.
♦ “Did I play football?” = Koristimo past simple da pitamo o radnji koja je počela i završila u prošlosti.

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