Uncountable Nouns
Imenice [nouns] se odnose na osobu, mjesto, stvar, događaj, tvar ili pojavu.
Nebrojive imenice [uncountable nouns] se odnose na stvari koje smatramo mnoštvom, a ne zasebnim objektima {vidi Nouns – Countable & Uncountable, A1 level}.
Nebrojive imenice se odnose na stvari koje smatramo mnoštvom i ne može ih se izbrojati. Postoje tri tipa nebrojivih imenica.
- Samo u jedini: advice, baggage, energy hair, homework, information, money…
- Samo u množini: clothes, groceries, news, regards, thanks…
- Brojive i nebrojive imenice: a type of, a kind of…, tvari i tekućine: glass, paper, coffee, water…, ili apstraktne imenice: life, time…
- Nebrojive imenice samo u jednini
- My baggage is so heavy because of the camera in it!
- Her energy as a salsa dancer is incredible!
- Their money was not enough to buy the painting.
- Nebrojive imenice samo u množini
- Could you get the groceries?
- He told me some news about your journey.
- We send our thanks to the director.
- Brojive i nebrojive imenice
- She has a lot of glass bowls. / Does she want a glass of coke?
- Can I borrow some coffee? / Shall I get a coffee (= a cup of coffee)?
- I need more time. / I miss the times of my internship ( = a specific period).
Nebrojive imenice koriste se kao i imenice u množini.
Nebrojive imenice [uncountable nouns] se odnose na stvari koje smatramo mnoštvom, a ne zasebnim objektima. Postoje tri tipa nebrojivih imenica:
- Nebrojive imenice samo u jednini: advice, baggage, energy hair, homework, information, money…
- Nebrojive imenice samo u množini: clothes, groceries, news, regards, thanks…
- Brojive i nebrojive imenice : a type of…, a kind of…; coffee, glass, paper, water… (materijali i tekućine); life, time… (apstraktne imenice).
— “I don´t have energy for another trip.” = Eergija je nebrojiva imenica koja dolazi samo u jednini.
— “I will tell you later the news of today.” = Novosti su nebrojiva imenica samo koja dolazi samo u množini.
— “Can I have some coffee?” / “Can I have a coffee?“= Kava podrazumijeva kavu u prahu (nebrojiva imenica u jednini), a a coffee ima određeno značenje koje podrazumijeva šalicu kave (brojiva imenica u jednini).
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