Unit 4.2

Menpeko denbora perpausak



Denbora perpausak klausula adberbialen zati bat dira, hauek klausula bereizi eta menpekoekin osaturik daude, lokailuekin elkartuta. Denbora perpausen lokailuak denboran puntu espezifiko bati erreferentzia egiten die.


Denbora perpausak bi egitura formekin adierazi daitezke, hauek hitzen ordenean ezberdinak dira baina ez esanahiean.

  • Connector + clause + , + clause
  • Clause + connector + clause

Klausulak subjektu + aditz egituraz osatuta daude. Lokailuak hurrengoak dira: before, after, when eta while.



  • After you fainted, the ambulance came.
  • The ambulance came after you fainted.
  • After we saw her, we realised she had short hair.
  • We realised she had short hair after we saw her. 


  • Before I go to work, I straighten my hair.
  • I straighten my hair before I go to work.
  • Before it starts raining, we should leave.
  • We should leave before it starts raining.


  • When she had a disease, she felt bad.
  • She felt bad when she had a disease.
  • When they were sleeping, the light was on.
  • The light was on when they were sleeping.


  • While you were reading, they had some coffee.
  • They had some coffee while you were reading.
  • While he is doing the exercise, he feels good.
  • He feels good while he is doing the exercise.


Denbora perpausak erabiltzen ditugu esaldi konplexuago batzuek eratzeko eta gertaera bat momentu edo periodo zehatz batean kokatzeko.

Denbora perpausek sentsua daukate lokailu hauei esker:

  • After (ondorengo gertaera);
  • Before (aurretiko gertaera);
  • When (momentu espezifiko batean).
  • While (beste gertaera baten momentu berean).


Debora perpausak erabiltzen ditugu esaldi konplexuago batzuek eratzeko eta gertaera bat momentu edo periodo zehatz batean kokatzeko.  Bi zatiz osaturik egon ohi dira: klausula bereizia eta menpekoa, lokailu batez lotuta daudenak.

Lokailu hauek hurrengoak dira: before, after, when eta while.

Egitura hurrengoa da:

Lokailuarekin hasten gara eta klausula gehi koma eta beste klausula ondoren. Klausula batekin gehi lokailua eta klausularekin ere hasi gaitezke (ez dugu komarik erabiltzen hemen).

— “Before you cook dinner, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower before you cook dinner.” = Shower lehenengo gertatu den ekintza da eta dinner bigarrena.
— “After you cook dinner, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower after you cook dinner.” = Dinner lehenengo gertatu den ekintza da eta shower bigarrena.
— “When the dinner is ready, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower when the dinner is ready.” = Shower momentu espezifiko bateann gertatu den bigarren gertaera da.
— “While you cook dinner, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower while you cook dinner.” = Bi gertaerak momentu berdinean gertatzen dira.

Berrikusi dezagun {Form} atalaren edukia. Begira ezazu erabilera {Examples} atalean testuinguru batean nola erabiltzen den ikusteko.


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