Unit 4.2
Laika palīgteikumi
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Teikuma laika daļas [temporal clauses] ir daļas no palīgteikumiem, kas sastāv no neatkarīgām un atkarīgām teikuma daļām, kuras savieno savienotāji. Teikuma laika daļu savienotāji attiecas uz noteiktu laika brīdi.
Teikuma laika daļas var būt attēlotas divās formulās, kuras atšķiras pēc vārdu kārtības, nevis pēc nozīmes:
- Connector + clause + , + clause
- Clause + connector + clause
Teikuma daļas sastāv no priekšmeta + darbības vārda. Savienotāji ir: before, after, when un while.
- Before I go to work, I drink coffee.
I drink a coffee before I go to work. - Before it starts raining, we should leave.
We should leave before it starts raining.
- After you fainted, the ambulance came.
The ambulance came after you fainted. - After we got to know her, we realized she was selfish.
We realized she was selfish after we got to know her.
- When she had a disease, she felt bad.
She felt bad when she had a disease. - When they were sleeping, the light was on.
The light was on when they were sleeping.
- While you were reading, they had some coffee.
They had some coffee while you were reading. - While he is doing the exercise, he feels good.
He feels good while he is doing the exercise.
Laika palīgteikumus [temporal clauses] izmanto, lai veidotu sarežģītākus teikumus un aprakstīt notikuma atrašanos vietu noteiktajā brīdī. Laika palīgteikumiem piemīt nozīme pateicoties savienotājiem:
- Before (iepriekšējs notikums);
- After (nākamais notikums);
- When (noteiktajā brīdī);
- While (tajā pašā laikā, kad notiek kaut kas cits).
Laika palīgteikumus [temporal clauses] izmanto, lai veidotu sarežģītākus teikumus un atpazītu notikumu noteiktajā laika brīdī. Tie parasti sastāv no divām daļām: neatkarīgas un atkarīgas teikuma daļas, kuras savieno savienotāji.
Šie savienotāji [connectors] ir: before, after, when and while.
Izmantojamās formulas:
Connector + clause + , + clause
Clause + connector + clause
For example:
— “Before you cook dinner, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower before you cook dinner.” = Shower ir pirmais notikums un dinner ir otrais notikums.
— “After you cook dinner, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower after you cook dinner.” = Dinner ir pirmais notikums un shower ir otrais notikums.
— “When the dinner is ready, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower when the dinner is ready.” = Shower ir otrais notikums, kas notiek noteiktajā brīdī.
— “While you cook dinner, I’ll have a shower.” / “I’ll have a shower while you cook dinner.” = Abi notikumi notiek vienā laikā.
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