Unit 1.2
Pagātnes divdabji
Pagātnes divdabis [past participle] ir darbības vārds, kuru izmanto, lai veidotu citus laikus (tādus, kā present perfect).
Daudzas pagātnes divdabju darbības vārdu formas ir nekārtas [irregular].
Pagātnes divdabis ir darbības vārda forma, kuru izmanto past perfect, past perfect continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous un passive laiku veidošanā {skatīties tēmu Present Perfect}.
Kārtas [regular] pagātnes divdabji veidojas pēc visiem past simple laika veidošanas likumiem, pievienojot -ed vārda beigās.
Nekārtas [irregular] darbības vārdi neseko veidošanas likumiem. Bieži izmantojamie nekārtas darbības vārdi:
Verb | Past Participle |
become | become |
break | broken |
bring | brought |
buy | bought |
do | done |
draw | drawn |
drink | drunk |
eat | eaten |
feel | felt |
find | found |
go | gone |
have | had |
hear | heard |
keep | kept |
read | read |
run | run |
say | said |
see | seen |
teach | taught |
write | written |
- I have just finished my work.
- He has already stopped exercising.
- They have started to talk during the lesson.
- I have lost my car keys!
- He has put on weight.
- They have never been to Chicago.
Pagātnes divdabjus izmanto, lai veidotu darbības vārdus dažādos laikos.
Pagātnes divdabis [past participle] ir darbības vārda forma, kuru izmanto, lai veidotu daudzus laikus. To veido, pievienojot -ed darbības vārda beigās, bet daudzi darbības vārdi ir nekārtas [irregular].
— Regular : “Watch” ⇒ “I have watched a great movie tonight.” = Pievienojam -ed darbības vārda beigās.
— Irregular: “Be” ⇒ “I have been to Montenegro four times.” / “I have beed to Montenegro four times.“ = Izmantojam citu formu (darbības vārds be mainās uz been).
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