Comparative Clauses: As … as
Komparativ pridjeva/priloga [comparative adjectives/adverbs] koristi se za usporedbu stvari, ljudi, događaja te za izricanje sličnosti i razlika među njima {vidi Comparatives, A1 Level}.
Komparativ jednakosti [as…as clause] koristi se jednako.
Komparativ jednakosti uobičajeno dolazi u tri oblika:
Potvrdni oblici:
Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …
Negativni oblici:
Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …
Upitni oblici:
Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …?
Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …?
- Identične stvari
- This box of biscuits is as big as mine.
- This restaurant makes food as good as my mum’s.
- Različite stvari
- A kilo of potatoes is not as expensive as a kilo of steaks.
- Her mountain boots are not as cheap as his backpack.
- Postavljanje pitanja o jednakosti/nejednakosti
- Is this box of biscuits as big as mine?
- Do I have champagne as cold as yours?
Komparativ jednakosti koristimo za:
- Razgovaranje o stvarima koje su identične (potvrdni oblik);
- Razgovaranje o stvarima koje su različite (negativni oblik);
- Traženje informacije o jednakosti/nejednakosti određenih stvari (upitni oblik).
Komparativ jednakosit [as…as clause] koristi se za naglašavanje jednakosti ili nejednakosti između stvari, osoba ili radnji.
- Potvrdni oblik:
Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
Subject + verb + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + … - Negativni oblik:
Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …
Subject + verb + not + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + … - Upitni oblik:
Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + as + object + …?
Verb + subject + as + adjective/adverb + noun + as + object + …?
— Potvrdni oblik: “My doll is as lovely as yours.”
— Negativni oblik: “My doll is not as lovely as yours.”
— Upitni oblik: “Is my doll as lovely as yours?”
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