To be Iragan sinplea



To be aditza gramatikan ezinbestekoa da. Aditz laguntzailea da eta aditz irregularra da.

Iraganean gertatutako gertaerak adierazten ditu eta orain amaituta daudenak, aditzaren iragan forma erabiltzen dugu.


To be aditzak iragan irregular forma dauka.


Baiezko forman hurrengo egitura dauka:
Subject + to be (Past tense) + …

Subject To Be
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were


Ezezko forman hurrengo egitura dauka:
Subject + to be (Past tense) + not + …

  • Ezezko forman,“did” aditz laguntzailea ez da erabiltzen:
Subject To Be + not Short form
I was not wasn’t
You were not weren’t
He was not wasn’t
She was not wasn’t
It was not wasn’t
We were not weren’t
You were not weren’t
They were not weren’t


Galdera forman hurrengo egitura dauka:
To be (Past tense) + subject + …?

  • Galdera forman,“did” aditz laguntzailea ez da erabiltzen:
To Be Subject Question Mark
Was I ?
Were you ?
Was he ?
Was she ?
Was it ?
Were we ?
Were you ?
Were they ?



  • was a good football player.
  • He was here 2 minutes ago.
  • We were at the beach earlier.


  • wasn’t a good football player
  • He wasn’t here 2 minutes ago.
  • We weren’t at the beach earlier.


  • Was I a good football player?
  • Was he here 2 minutes ago?
  • Were you at the beach earlier?


To be aditzaren iragan sinplea subjektuaren eta osargarri edo adjektibo baten arteko lotura-hitza da. Informazio gehiago ematen digu subjektuari buruz iraganean.


Iragan sinplea erabiltzen dugu iraganean gertatu diren gertaeri buruz hitz egiteko eta orain amaitu egin direnak. To be aditzak iragan forma irregularra dauka.

Modu ezberdinetan erabili daiteke:

  • Baiezko: Subjektuarekin hasten gara eta to be aditza iragan forman ondoren:
    I was, you were, he was, she was, it was, we were, you were and they were.
  • Ezezko: Subjektuarekin hasten gara eta to be aditza iragan forman gehi not  ondoren:
    I was not, you were not, he was not, she was not, it was not, we were not, you were not and they were not.
  • Galdera: to be aditzaren iragan formarekin hasten gara eta subjektua ondoren (esaldia galdera marka batekin amaitzen da):
    was I…?, were you…?, was he…?, was she…?, was it…?, were we…?, were you…? and were they…?.

— Baiezko: “There was enough sugar to make the cake.”
— Ezezko: “There wasn’t enough sugar to make the cake.”
— Galdera: “Was there enough sugar to make the cake?

Berrikusi dezagun {Form} atalaren edukia. Begira ezazu erabilera {Examples} atalean testuinguru batean nola erabiltzen den ikusteko.



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