Unit 6.1
Darbības vārds To be Past Simple laikā
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Darbības vārdam to be ir svarīga nozīme gramatikā. Tas ir palīgdarbības vārds un viens no nekārtniem darbības vārdiem.
Lai izteiktu situācijas, kas notika pagātnē un tagad ir pabeigtas, izmantojam darbības vārda pagātnes laika [past tense] formu.
Darbības vārds to be ir viens no darbības vārdiem ar nekārtno [irregular] pagātnes formu.
Subject | To Be |
I | was |
You | were |
He | was |
She | was |
It | was |
We | were |
You | were |
They | were |
Subject | To Be + not | Short form |
I | was not | wasn’t |
You | were not | weren’t |
He | was not | wasn’t |
She | was not | wasn’t |
It | was not | wasn’t |
We | were not | weren’t |
You | were not | weren’t |
They | were not | weren’t |
To Be | Subject | Question Mark |
Was | I | …? |
Were | you | …? |
Was | he | …? |
Was | she | …? |
Was | it | …? |
Were | we | …? |
Were | you | …? |
Were | they | …? |
- I was a good boss.
- He was here 2 minutes ago.
- We were in Portugal in 2012.
- I wasn’t a good boss.
- He wasn’t here 2 minutes ago.
- We weren’t in Portugal in 2012.
- Was I a good boss?
- Was he here 2 minutes ago?
- Were you in Portugal in 2012?
Past simple laikā darbības vārdu to be izmanto, ka savienojumu starp priekšmetu un papildinājumu vai īpašības vārdu. Tas sniedz papildus informāciju par pašu priekšmetu pagātnes laikā.
Laiku past simple izmanto, lai izteiktu situācijas, kas notika pagātnē un tagad jau ir pabeigtas. Darbības vārdam to be ir nekārtna pagātnes forma.
- Apgalvojumi (I) was, (you) were, (he/she/it) was, (we/you/they) were;
- Noliegumi: (I) was not, (you) were not, (he/she/it) was not, (we/you/they) were not;
- Jautājumi: was (I…?), were (you…?), was (he/she/it…?), were (we/you/they…?).
— Apgalvojums: “The sugar was enough for the cake.”
— Noliegums: “The sugar wasn’t enough for the cake.”
— Jautājums: “Was the sugar enough for the cake?”
Atkārto šo mācību materiālu, izlasot {Form} nodaļu. Apskati {Example} nodaļu, kurā parādīta šī materiāla praktiska izmantošana kontekstā.
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