Unit 4.2
To have: Common Expressions
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Glagol to have koristimo za tvorbu čestih izraza [common expressions] u razgovornom jeziku.
Dok se have koristi kao glavni glagol u rečenici, have got se ne može koristiti u tim izrazima.
Česti izrazi, u potvrdnom obliku, imaju ovu strukturu:
Subject + have/has + object + …
- Treće lice jednine mijenja se iz have u has.
Česti izrazi, u negativnom obliku, imaju ovu strukturu:
Subject + do/does + not + have + object + …
- Treće lice jednine mijenja se iz do u does.
- Zapamtite, have not ne možete koristiti u čestim izrazima.
- I have a shower every morning.
I don’t have a shower every morning. - Have a good journey!
Don’t have a good journey! - We had* a fight.
We didn’t have* a fight. - She had a look at the book.
She didn’t have a look at the book.
*Jednostavno prošlo vrijeme [Past simple].
Upotreba i značenje glagola to have ovisi o imenici koja slijedi.
Najčešći izrazi s glagolom to have su:
- Have + breakfast, lunch, a meal, dinner, coffee, tea, a shower, a rest, a dream, a drink…;
- Have + a good day, a bad day, a good time, a bad time, a good journey, a nice day…;
- Have + a conversation, a talk, a fight…;
- Have + a look, a try…
Glagol to have pojavljuje se u nekim čestim izrazima [common expressions] u neformalnom obliku komunikacije.
Najčešće se koriste: have breakfast, have a good day, have a conversation, have a look…
Struktura u potvrdnom obliku:
Subject + have/has + object + … (has za treće lice jednine)
Struktura u negativnom obliku:
Subject + do/does + not + have + object + … (does not za treće lice jednine)
— Potvrdni: “Have a rest.” / “Have got a rest.“ = Have got se ne koristi u ovim izrazima.
— Negativan: “Don’t have a rest now.” / “Have not a rest now.” = U negativnom obliku ne možemo koristiti have not.
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