Unit 6.1

Past Simple Affirmative

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Jednostavno prošlo vrijeme [past simple] je glagolsko vrijeme koje se koristi za izricanje radnji i događaja koji su se dogodili u prošlosti.

Kada se koristi u potvrdnom obliku, glagol potvrđuje nešto o subjektu.


Past simple pravilnih glagola u potvrdnom obliku ima ovu strukturu:
Subject + Verb (Past tense) + …


Tvorba glagola u perfektu: verb + -ed.

Subject Verb (past tense)
I worked
You worked
He worked
She worked
It worked
We worked
You worked
They worked


  • Glagoli sa sufiksom -y ispred kojih je suglasnik: mijenjamo -y u -i i dodajemo -ed.
Infinitive Verb (past tense)
study studied
cry cried
worry worried
  • Glagoli sa sufiksom -e: dodajemo samo -d.
Infinitive Verb (past tense)
hope hoped
decide decided
arrive arrived
  • Naglašeni samoglasnik + sufiks (suglasnik, osim w,y): udvostručujemo suglasnik i dodajemo –ed.
Infinitive Verb (past tense)
stop stopped
ban banned
travel travelled



  • I baked delicious biscuits yesterday.
  • He played basketball for 8 years.
  • They visited Estonia in 2012.


Suglasnik + -y

  • I studied a lot for the exams.
  • Their children cried all the time.
  • He applied to Oxford University last year.

Osnova sa sufiksom -e

  • I hoped to meet you yesterday.
  • The school decided to call your parents.
  • They arrived in Valencia two days ago.

Naglašeni samoglasnik + sufiks (suglasnik)

  • He stopped doing exercise long ago.
  • My friend suggested going to the banned beach.
  • They travelled every summer when they were young.


Past simple u potvrdnom obliku koristimo za potvrđivanje:

  • Radnji, situacija i događaja koji su se dogodili i završili u prošlosti;
  • Ponovljenih događaja i navika koji su se dogodili u prošlosti;
  • Prošlih događaja uz koje koristimo vremenske izraze kao što su: two weeks agolast yearin 2010yesterday


Jednostavno prošlo vrijeme [past simple] u potvrdnom obliku koristimo za potvrđivanje radnje koja se dogodila i završila u prošlosti.

Struktura pravilnih glagola:
Subject + Verb (Past tense) + …

— “They worked on an important project yesterday.” = Dodajemo -ed.

Past simple nepravilnih glagola tvori se drugačije ovisno o osnovi korištenog glagola.

— Sufiks -y: “I try.” ⇒ “I tried.” = Mijenjamo –y u –i dodajemo -ed.
— Sufiks -e: “I dance.” ⇒ “I danced.” = Dodajemo -d.
— Naglašeni samoglasnik + sufiks (suglasnik): “I plan.” ⇒ “I planned.” = Udvostručujemo suglasnik i dodajemo -ed.

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