Unit 1.2
Present Simple Negative
Jednostavno sadašnje vrijeme [present simple] je glagolsko vrijeme koje se koristi za izricanje radnji koje se redovito događaju i stalno ponavljaju.
Kada se koristi u negativnom obliku, glagol negira nešto o subjektu.
Present simple u potvrdnom obliku ima ovu strukturu:
Subject + do/does + not + verb + …
- Do/does: treće lice jednine se mijenja iz do u does;
- Glagol: osnovni oblik glagola ostaje isti (bez promjena);
- Nepravilni oblik glagola biti: I am not – you aren’t – he isn’t…
Subject | do/does + not | Verb | Short form |
I | do not | work | don’t |
You | do not | work | don’t |
He | does not | work | doesn’t |
She | does not | work | doesn’t |
It | does not | work | doesn’t |
We | do not | work | don’t |
You | do not | work | don’t |
They | do not | work | don’t |
- Planirana budućnost
- I don’t start my new job on the 17th of June.
- The exam period doesn’t end on the 24th of December.
- Their daughter doesn’t arrive in a few days.
- Vozni redovi
- The train doesn’t leave at 7 o’ clock.
- The match doesn’t start at 9 o’clock tomorrow.
- My exams don’t start at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
- Navike/rutine
- I don’t usually wake up at 8 o’clock.
- He doesn’t go to the gym twice a week.
- We don’t go to good restaurants for lunch.
- Činjenice
- The sun doesn’t rise in the West.
- Water doesn’t boil at 80°C.
- Unicorns don’t exist.
- Stalne situacije
- I don’t live in Brussels.
- She doesn’t work in a supermarket.
- They don’t play football.
- Obećanja
- I don’t promise to buy you a new phone.
- He doesn’t swear he’ll go to the doctor.
- I don’t promise I’ll give you my phone number.
- Instrukcije
- You don’t go straight but you turn left.
- You don’t restart your mobile phone.
- You don’t go upstairs.
- Dovršene radnje koje se događaju u trenutku kad govorimo
- The brigades don’t disappear.
- The police don’t catch the thief.
- Real Madrid doesn’t recover from two goals down.
- Neformalno pripovijedanje
- The Beast doesn’t transform into a prince.
- Snow White doesn’t fall asleep.
- Little Red Riding-Hood doesn’t meet the wolf.
Present simple u negativnom obliku koristimo za negiranje:
- Budućih događaja (planova s već određenim datumom);
- Voznih redova (planiranih događaja s točnim vremenom);
- Navika/rutina (nešto što se događa u više navrata u ovom trenutku);
- Činjenica (stvari koje su istinite, navedene);
- Stalnih situacija (koje se trenutno odvijaju i koje će se dogoditi u budućnosti);
- Obećanja;
- Uputa (narudžba);
- Završenih radnji u trenutku pripovijedanja (komentara);
- Neformalnog pripovijedanja (kod pričanja priča).
Jednostavno sadašnje vrijeme [present simple] u negativnom obliku koristimo za negiranje događaja koji se pojavljuju stalno i redovito.
Subject + do/does + not + verb + … (does za treće lice jednine)
— “I don’t work on important projects.” =
— “She doesn’t work on important projects.” =
NAPOMENA: Glagol biti je nepravilan glagol stoga ne prati opće pravilo tvorbe negativnih oblika. Nakon glagola jednostavno dodajemo not.
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