Unit 3.2
There is and There are
There is/are su izrazi koji se koriste kad želimo potvrditi, negirati ili provjeriti da nešto postoji.
There is/are u rečeničnim konstrukcijama stavljaju subjekt iza glagola. Uobičajeno ih nalazimo u tri oblika:
Imenice u jednini: There is + singular noun/uncountable noun + …
Imenice u množini: There are + plural noun + …
Imenice u jednini: There is + not + singular noun/uncountable noun + …
Imenice u množini: There are + not + plural noun + …
Skraćeni negativni oblici su: there isn’t/aren’t (isto kao i skraćena forma glagola biti (to be).
Češći izrazi za negativan oblik su there are no/there aren’t ili there are not any/there aren’t any.
Imenice u jednini: Is there + singular noun/uncountable noun + …?
Imenice u množini: Are there + plural noun + …?
- There is
- There is a cat in the garden.
- There is not a cat in the garden.
There isn’t a cat in the garden. - Is there a cat in the garden?
- There are
- There are ten cats in the garden.
- There are not ten cats in the garden.
There aren’t ten cats in the garden. - Are there ten cats in the garden?
There is/are su izrazi koji se koriste u rečenicama koje žele potvrditi, negirati ili provjeriti da nešto postoji.
There is/are koristimo kad želimo potvrditi (potvrdni oblik), negirati (negativni oblik) ili provjeriti (upitni oblik) da nešto postoji.
- Jednina: there is
- Množina: there are
— Potvrdni oblik: “There is a plate on the table.” / “There are plates on the table.“
— Negativni oblik: “There isn’t a plate on the table.” / “There aren’t plates on the table.”
— Upitni oblik: “Is there a plate on the table?“ / “Are there plates on the table?”
Češće korišteni negativni oblici su there is no/there are no.
— “There is no plate on the table.”/“There are no plates on the table.”
NAPOMENA: Drugi često korišteni negativni oblici su there are not any.
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