
This book is the Grammar part of the A2 level of the practical guide for learning English as a second language. It forms a part of book series Books for languages. It is fully written in English and it serves as a base for the adaptation to different mother tongues. Starting from an integrated curriculum of languages, we offer an eclectic system with a distribution of contents based on the need of learning objects.

Ta knjiga predstavlja slovnični del stopnje A2 v praktičnem priročniku za učenje angleščine kot drugega jezika in je sestavni del serije knjig: Knjige za jezike. V celoti je napisana v angleščini in služi kot osnova za prilagoditev različnim maternim jezikom. S celovitim učnim načrtom ponujamo heterogeni sistem z razporeditvijo vsebin, ki je osnovana na potrebah učnih ciljev.




The Books4Languages is a collaborative projects, with people from all over the world bringing their skills and interests to join in the compilation and dissemination of knowledge to everyone, everywhere.
