Unit 11.1

Wh- vprašanja v pretekliku

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Wh- vprašanja [wh- questions] se vedno začnejo na eno od wh- vprašalnih besed [wh- quesiton words](vprašalni zaimki [interrogative pronouns] ), ki pokažejo, katera vrsta informacije je zaželjena {glej Wh- vprašanja, stopnja A1}.

Lahko jih uporabimo tudi, ko sprašujemo o preteklosti. 


Wh- vprašalne besede so: when, where, why, which, what, whose, who, whom in how.

Za postavljanje vprašanj o preteklosti je dovolj, da glagol spregamo v pretekli obliki:

  • S pomožnim glagolom:
    Wh- question word + auxiliary verb (past form) + subject + verb +…?
  • Brez pomožnega glagola:
    What/Who + verb (past form) + …?
    Which/Whose + noun + verb (past form) + …?
  • Z modalnim glagolom:
    Wh- question word + modal verb (past form) + subject + verb + …?
    Wh- question word + auxiliary verb (past form) + subject + modal verb + verb + …?


  • S pomožnim glagolom
    • Where did you travel last year?
    • Why did you buy a new car?
    • What did you do yesterday?
  • Brez pomožnega glagola
    • What broke the PC?
    • Who called the police?
    • Whose phone rang?
  • Z modalnim glagolom
    • How should he tell her he is a prince?
    • What could I do at that moment?
    • Why did you need to judge everyone?


Wh- vprašalne besede uporabljamo za tvorjenje vprašanj o preteklosti.


Vprašanja o preteklosti lahko tvorimo tako, da začnemo z eno od wh-  vprašalnih besed [wh- question words].

To so: when, where, why, which, what, whose, who, whom in how.

Na primer:
— S pomožnim glagolom: “Where did you sleep last night?” = Sprašuje po kraju dejanja.
— Brez pomožnega glagola: “Who programmed this software?” = Sprašuje po osebku dejanja.
— Z modalnim glagolom: “When will you arrive?” = Sprašuje po času dejanja.

Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.


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