Unit 3.1
Povratni zaimki
Zaimki [pronouns] so besede, ki jih uporabljamo zato, da se izognemo ponavljanju samostalnikov {glej Zaimki – Osebek, stopnja A1}.
Povratne zaimke [reflexive pronouns] uporabljamo za poudarjanje osebka v povedi.
Povratne zaimke lahko dojemamo kot kombinacijo svojilnih pridevnikov in besede self (selves v množini).
Subject Pronoun | Reflexive Pronoun |
I | myself |
You | yourself |
He | himself |
She | herself |
It | itself* |
We | ourselves |
You | yourselves |
They | themselves |
- I baked this cake myself (nobody helped me).
- The businessman replied to the customer himself.
- The employees shouldn’t blame themselves when clients don’t want to buy a product.
Povratne zaimke ponavadi uporabljamo za izražanje dejanj, v katerih se osebek in povedek nanašata na isto osebo ali stvar. Z drugimi besedami, oseba, ki je vršilec dejanja, je hkrati tudi oseba, ki je izpostavljena dejanju in ga izkusi.
Povratne zaimke [reflexive pronouns] uporabljamo za poudarjanje osebka v povedi. Ločujemo jih glede na število (-self v ednini, -selves v množini) in spol.
Povratni zaimki: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves in themselves.
Na primer:
— “I have to prepare myself for the shopping center.” = Myself se nanaša na osebek (I).
♦ “I have to prepare my clothes and hair for the shopping center.” = My se nanaša na predmet (clothes).
Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.
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