Unit 10.1

Quantitative determiners

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Določniki [determiners] so modifikatorji samostalnikov. Dajejo nam informacije o tem, o katerih [which] in kolikih [how much/many] ljudeh, stvareh, živalih, krajih… govorimo.

Kvantitativne določnike ali kvantifikatorje [quantitative determiners or quantifiers] uporabljamo za opisovanje količine nečesa {glej Kvantitativni določniki, stopnja A1}.


Quantitative determiners uporabljamo za opisovanje količine nečesa.

Najpogosteje rabljeni quantifiers so: all (of), a lot of (lots of), a number of, enough (of), most (of), none (of)…


  1. All my friends like drawing.
    All of my friends like drawing.
  2. A lot can happen in a long trip.
    Lots of things can happen in a long trip.
  3. A number of pilots were waiting.
  4. There isn’t enough red wine for everyone.
    There are enough of us to get the group price.
  5. This plant has the most strawberries.
    Most of the students in our university are from France.
  6. I have three leather jackets, he has none.
    None of their children have dark skin.


Quantitative determiners uporabljamo za opisovanje količine nečesa:

  1. All (of) (vsi ali vse, celotna količina ali število);
  2. A lot (of) (veliko število glede na količino, lestvico ali stopnjo);
  3. A number of (več kot dva, ampak manj kot veliko);
  4. Enough (of) (količina, kakovost ali obseg, ki ustreza pogojem, zahtevam ali pričakovanjem);
  5. Most (of) (največ glede na količino, lestvico ali stopnjo, večina);
  6. None (of) (nihče, niti en).


Kvantitativne določnike [quantitative determiners] uporabljamo za navajanje količine nečesa.

Najpogosteje rabljeni kvantifikatorji [quantifiers] so: all (of), a lot of (lots of), a number of, enough (of), most (of), none (of)…

Na primer:
— “None of my friends take a ship.”
— “A number of my friends booked a flight to Valencia.”

Ponovi to vsebino v delu {Form} in si poglej del {Example}, ki prikazuje rabo v kontekstu.


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