Unit 10.2
Pogoste kombinacije pridevnikov in predlogov
Predlogi [prepositions] so pomembni, ker dodajajo podrobnosti o povedi.
Pridevniki [adjectives] so določniki, ki lahko stojijo na dveh različnih mestih v povedi, kjer opisujejo osebo ali stvar. Nekatere pridevnike lahko uporabljamo samo z določenimi predlogi.
Najpogosteje rabljeni predlogi, ki sledijo določenim pridevnikom, so: at, for, of, to in in.
Primeri pridevnikov, ki v povedi stojijo pred temi predlogi, so:
- Angry, bad, brilliant, good, lucky, present, slow, terrible… + at + …
- Famous, grateful, known, prepared, responsible, sorry… + for + …
- Afraid, ashamed, aware, bad, difficult, full, jealous, made, proud, scared, tired… + of + …
- Addicted, connected, engaged, friendly, grateful, limited, married, polite… + to + …
- Dressed, interested, involved, skilled… + in + …
- At
- The audience is angry at the musician.
- She is good at drawing.
- All students should be present at the theatre play, it’s compulsory.
- For
- I am very sorry for your loss.
- Smoking is extremely bad for you.
- The novel was too difficult for his class.
- Of
- The director is very proud of his movie.
- Jason was ashamed of his behavior.
- She is full of energy.
- To
- I think I’m a bit addicted to music.
- He doesn’t feel connected to his country at all.
- My sister is married to an English photographer.
- In
- I’m interested in modern art.
- She is involved in promoting modern music.
- They both are skilled in chemistry and mathematics.
Nekateri predlogi lahko sledijo določenim pridevnikom, da bi nekaj izrazili, ni pa nobenih slovničnih pravil o tem, kako jih kombinirati v povedi.
Predlogi so pomembni, ker dodajajo informacije o povedi. Nekatere pridevnike lahko uporabljamo le z določenimi predlogi. Ne obstaja pravilo o tej temi, zaradi česar se jih moramo naučiti na pamet.
- Angry, bad, brilliant, good, lucky, present, slow, terrible… + at + …
- Famous, known, prepared, responsible, sorry… + for + …
- Bad, difficult, full, jealous, made, scared, tired… + of + …
- Addicted, connected, friendly, limited, polite… + to + …
- Dressed, interested, involved, skilled… + in + …
Na primer:
— “She is good at being a good friend.”
— “I am responsible for the adverts.”
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